
Making the Most of Being Stuck at Home

Making the Most of Being Stuck at Home

Covid-19 Hibernation Check List

Panic and fear has taken a firm foothold in the entire world. It’s normal. We are all feeling various levels of worry. However, it’s also important to realize that panic, fear and worry don’t serve us in the end.   Responding from a place of fear and anxiety narrows your focus and we are less able to problem solve  and think effectively.  Fear and anxiety set off the stress response and that in turn, dampens our immune system. This is when we need to turn to the power of hope.  When we feel hopeful, we stand united, work together, and are more creative in finding solutions. Hope has helped us through much in the last few decade and it can work again.

5 TED Talks to Motivate and Inspire!

5 TED Talks to Motivate and Inspire!

Leadership, Happiness, Purpose and more! Check out these amazing 5 TED Talks!

With a little humour, some inspiration and a few life lessons these five inspiring TED Talks will spark motivation and get you feeling a little happier.
Bookmark and re-visit them whenever you need a little pick-me-up!