Think you're too old? Think again!
Working with the elderly, I find there isn't a day that goes by without someone saying, "Getting old is terrible. There is so much you cannot do." I disagree. I've decided instead to let the folks below be my motivation. What do these people have in common? They did not let anything, including their age, limit what they wanted to do. They just decided they wanted to do something, then took one step after another.
AT AGE 91, Sister Madonna
had completed 45 Ironman competitions since the age of 50!
AT AGE 92, Chico Scimone raced up the Empire State Building finishing in just over 43 minutes!
AT AGE 104, old Ruth Frith broke the world record in shot put in her age group(65y and above)!
AT AGE 78, Anna Mary Robertson Moses, or Grandma Moses, began painting and was a prominent American Folk Artist!
AT AGE 98, George Dawson, learned to read and wrote a book called "Life Is So Good" at the age of 101!
AT AGE 70, Joan MacDobald decided to take charge of her health and began to eat healthily, exercise more and start strength training. Six years later, she not only turned her health around (losing weight, building incredible muscle and resolving many health issues) but now has over 1M Instagram followers, a new app and has started a new business!
So instead of thinking, "I can't because (fill in the blank)," think, "what if I could?" Then take the first step!
Who will motivate you to take the next step?
#motivation #mindset #possibilites #nevertooold
“If we want to do it, we can. The only failure is not to try because putting forth the effort is success in itself.”
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